Top Reasons That Make Your Internet Marketing Campaign Fail

23/11/2012 14:49

Top Reasons That Make Your Internet Marketing Campaign Fail
In the last few years, in one his speech, Bill Gate said that “In next 5 years, if you don’t have a plan to do business online, it better for you to stop your business.”  Therefore, this is the time for us to see the important of online business and internet marketing. However, most of companies can not apply internet marketing into their business campaign effectively.  Below are some tops popular reasons that make an internet marketing campaign fail.
-    Don’t have good resource: Some people think that internet marketing is not so hard. So, they tend to hire cheap resource to do the task.  Yes, they can save some of money for that. However, that can also be a very serious mistake. It’s usually that cheap resources are people who don’t have good skill about internet marketing. Stupid guy do stupid things, they will take a lot of time to do the task; and sometime they process in the wrong way.  Otherwise, good internet marketers are people who have good skill and knowledge about that field. Therefore, they can process the task better, faster, & more effective.

-    Don’t know target client: I have read a phrase like this “we can not live for all people, we just live for the one who need us”. That’s right, your products can not supply to all clients. Therefore, you need to know who your target client is; and how you reach to them. If you pick up wrong target client, you will never see the effect o f the internet marketing campaign.

-    Don’t have good plan:  Even you do a simplest thing, you still need a plan. With internet marketing, you have to setup a very clear plan to follow. Depend on the plan; you may know which thing you need to do first, which thing can do later. Besides, keep track on the plan you can evaluate the result after a period of time. So, you may have some change for the next step.  

-    Don’t keep track the plan: As I mentioned, even you have a good plan, you till need to keep track the plan strictly to evaluate result after a period of time and get some change. Don’t wait unstill the campaign get done and looking back to see the bad result. This can be too late to correct.
-    Set the target too high & Not Patient enough: All people want to get best result. However, you have to know about your ability and your skill to setup reasonable target. Don’t try to set so high targets and then feel disappointed because we can not reach them.  Besides, you may know that internet marketing is a long term campaign. We can not see the result in some days or some week. If we have a plan to do the campaign in a period of 2 or 4 month, just follow it strictly. Therefore, not patient enough can be another factor that make your campaign going to be fail.
In general speaking, Internet marketing, also known as web marketing, online marketing, or e-marketing, is referred to as the marketing (generally promotion) of products or services over the Internet. This kind of marketing is very useful for small & middle business to promote their product with very competitive price. Therefore, if you tend to do business marketing, just hire good marketer, build up a plan, and then keep track the plan strictly. You will see the wonderful effective of internet marketing into your business.